Lately g suka di ajukan berbagai macam pertanyaan sama temen g ttg diri g... Hmm.... Believe it or not kadang2 g sendiri juga suka gak gitu ngerti ttg diri g sendiri, dalam artian g tuh gak pernah kepikiran untuk cari tau ttg sifat2 g secara lebih mendalam lagi. Jadi kalo ada yang tanya gitu g jadi suka mikir2 dulu sambil muter ulang kaset memori g hihihi.... Pernah temen g ada yang tanya "elo tuh orangnya tertutup ya mar?" Hmm.... spontan g bilang "Gak ah...!" eh trus dia kasih argumentasi sini situ deh... Hmm.... trus g jadi mikir lagi.. bener gak sih g terutup? kayaknya sih gak, wong g tuh kalo ngomong suka ceplas ceplos gitu lho, trus kadang2 rada cerewet pula.... huehehe ^_^ trus ada jg yang tanya "elo kalo lagi BT gimana mar?", "elo slalu crewet gini ya?" (hhmm....seet dah nih orang banyak bangeet dah nanya2 nyaa.. jangan2 dia double agent kali yee??!
Huaaa...!! ) So, begitu lah latar belakangnya knapa lately g suka ngisi kuis2 yang beragam ini (slain biyar bisa bikin blog g warna warni huehehe...) Kali2 aja hasil dari kuis2 itu bisa buat masukkan g ttg diri g dewe. And ini salah satunya yg lagi2 g dapet dari friendster... ^.^
Life as an ISFP (Introvert, Sensor, Feeler, Perceiver) People of this type tend to be: kind, humble, and highly empathetic; thoughtful, faithful, and affectionate with those they know well; sensitive to criticism and easily hurt; quiet, soft-spoken, and gentle; adaptable, responsive, and curious; realistic and down to earth. The most important thing to ISFPs is feeling peaceful and harmonious with the people and places that matter most to them.
How to Spot ISFPs: gentle, soft-spoken, and modest relaxed, easygoing, and accommodating unassuming and not terribly assertive fun loving, caring, and sensitive
Tips for Communicating with ISFPs: Avoid confrontations! Be cooperative and gentle Stress the practical ways they can be of assistance to others Make projects fun - enjoy the moment with them
Great careers for ISFPs Primary care physician Occupational therapist Designer: interior / landscape Massage therapist Customer service representative Fashion designer Chef Paralegal Surveyor Registered Nurse Dental hygienist Travel agent / tour operator Home health worker Medical assistant Alcohol and drug addiction counselor
Hmmm... bener gak yaa?! (sambil nyengirr indah kayak Bokir.... huehehe...
The Journey
Stay with me and i will tell....
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